Portsmouth Square 1965 - 1985
A site honoring the teachings of

Kuo Lien Ying

and the magical time that we were able to learn from Si Fu

"Release the chi,
and let it penetrate like a sword
into the bones."








training at that time , was my lifelong friend and truly a Gung Fu brother of the highest “martial virtue” , Donald Rubbo, now a well respected and dedicated Sifu who is truly honoring the “spirit” of Master Kuo and preserving the “Guang Ping” and Shao-Lin traditions. Another incredible martial artist was my fellow practitioner and meticulous Tai Chi student, Roger Leo. His understanding of “Guang Ping” theory was superior and the movements in his form were exceptionally precise. I was honored when he and I were chosen to demonstrate Shao-Lin and Tai Chi, respectively, in the public schools for Sifu’s studio. Then there was my older Gung Fu brother and senior student, Randy Fung, a “no nonsense”, hard working type of guy, who thoroughly exhausted every aspect of the forms’ functional application and who “enlightened” me with many personal “hands on” demonstrations making things painfully clear as to the effectiveness of any technique or application that might be in question and he was also a very close friend of Sifu Bings’  

 There was such an endless amount of talent at Sifu Kuo’s on a daily basis, like senior student and Tai Chi adept Hank Lu, now known as the well respected  Sifu Henry Look. And lest I not forget, in my humble opinion, the most amazing, dedicated, consistent and humble practitioner I know, my first teacher and Kuo Sifu’s right hand senior student, Bing Gong. I don’t think Bing ever missed a day or came late, in the ten years that I was there. In my eyes, he represents the “essence” of Sifu Kuo’s teachings and is a man of the “highest virtue”, a sage in his own right……and there were so many others who inspired me to train hard and be worthy of their respect as one of their “brothers” and a student of Master Kuo Lien Ying..

but now you can see, with this incredible group of talented and dedicated students all around me and the “indomitable Spirit” of Master Kuo as the ultimate motivation, how a young inspired Shao-Lin student  “ on the path”, found his dream come true & gained the inspiration to continue on the endless journey and spread the gospel of “ Spiritual Boxing ” honoring the Teachings, Lineage and “Spirit” of this incredible human being , my master, Sifu Kuo Lien Ying !

 *[the Spirit Boxing association is the name of my organization, influenced by the “Spirit of Shao-Lin” and Master Kuo’s constant emphasis that the “Spirit” be the primary force and the ultimate motivation in your practice and that righteousness of character be at the core of your being and reflected in all your actions throughout the rest of your life.

 *upcoming : more stories from the archives of Sifu Kuo Lien Ying…..

next : “Northern Shao-Lin-The Hidden Tao” and “The Master & the Monkey” ”
