Portsmouth Square 1965 - 1985
A site honoring the teachings of

Kuo Lien Ying

and the magical time that we were able to learn from Si Fu

"Release the chi,
and let it penetrate like a sword
into the bones."











This is a new page dedicated to any upcoming events

If anyone has any other events they want to post, please email me.

A Tai Chi seminar with Marilyn Cooper

Saturday, November 15, 9 a.m to noon

Please forward to anyone you think might be interested. Bring 2
buddies and the 3rd classmate is half price. (financial crisis
Thanks kindly!

"Tai Chi --What's the Point?"
A Tai Chi Workshop led by Marilyn Cooper, assisted by Angel Negron
Saturday, November 15th, 9AM to 12 noon
Orinda Community Center, room 2

Tai chi focuses on the mind-body-spirit self-healing as a primary
goal, and a positive side effect is self defense ability. Tai chi
enables the small, old and weak to overcome the big, young and strong.
How is this possible? It is not just from remaining cool, calm and
relaxed under pressure, or even from knowing cool moves that you can
execute. It is also from knowing exact points where a little force
goes a long way.

Hour One is designed to put more mind in your body. The first 40
minutes will consist of Qigong guided, standing meditation based on
Sin Tien Wuji Qigong, also known as brain and bone marrow washing. A
five minute Bar Duan Gin stretch will relieve congestion that can
accumulate in the joints while standing. Then 15 minutes of
interactive, 2 person qigong, with synchronized breathing and light
contact will segue students into tai chi and the middle session.

Hour Two will consist of warm ups, stretches and postures designed to
open up qi channels, so the qi can be stored in the bones during part
three. Blood will shoot to strategic areas to encourage new growth and
healthy functioning. We will also target painful areas, such as knees,
neck, shoulders, that little tight spot between the shoulder blades,
etc … the trouble spots for most people. So bring your pain!
Individual problems are addressed.

Hour Three is for any and all tai chi forms' applications. Bring your
questions! We will show you how many of the movements work in a
series, the set up and the take down. We welcome sharing, and also
encourage spontaneous style push hands in this last hour.

The price for the whole workshop is $50, or $20 per hour. Any portion
may be taken separately.